In Forest Fields – The Garden of Prayer and Hisbodedus – Spanish
In Forest Fields – The Garden of Prayer and Hisbodedus – Spanish
Rabbi Shalom Arush
Hitbodedut, personal prayer is the number one proof that a person has emuna. One who believes in Hashem speaks with Hashem. How can a person claim to believe in Hashem if he does not speak to Him?
Rebbe Nachman teaches that everyone from the greatest to the simplest man should spend an hour a day in hitbodedut. In this book Rabbi Arush teaches us how.
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SKU: 70-1067
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Hitbodedut, personal prayer is the number one proof that a person has emuna. One who believes in Hashem speaks with Hashem. How can a person claim to believe in Hashem if he does not speak to Him?
Rebbe Nachman teaches that everyone from the greatest to the simplest man should spend an hour a day in hitbodedut. In this book Rabbi Arush teaches us how.
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