Strengthening emunah, our faith in HaShem and in His infinite goodness, enriches and even transforms our lives. Emunah replaces anxiety with optimism and grants us serenity in place of fear.
When we transform our relationship to HaShem through emunah, we transform our relationships to others as well. Jealousy, anger, and frustration have no place in a world of emunah. As our love for HaShem grows stronger so, too, does our love for others.
Living Emunah 3 continues to guide us on this marvelous path. Each brief and absorbing segment melds the classic Torah understanding of faith with our day-to-day encounters and real-life stories.
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In the Living Emunah series of books
Strengthening emunah, our faith in HaShem and in His infinite goodness, enriches and even transforms our lives. Emunah replaces anxiety with optimism and grants us serenity in place of fear.
When we transform our relationship to HaShem through emunah, we transform our relationships to others as well. Jealousy, anger, and frustration have no place in a world of emunah. As our love for HaShem grows stronger so, too, does our love for others.
Living Emunah 3 continues to guide us on this marvelous path. Each brief and absorbing segment melds the classic Torah understanding of faith with our day-to-day encounters and real-life stories.
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