V’Higadeta: Yom Kippur & Succos

The Shulchan Aruch tell us that before the Yamim Nora’im it’s important to go through the tefillos we will be saying to make sure that we know what we’re about to say and what it means.

It’s especially important to review the seventy confessions of the vidui so that we understand what we are confessing and internalize it. Rav Galinsky goes through each confession, one by one, and through his stories and lessons from the Torah and Chazal, he explains how each on applies to us.

Besides his insightful explanations of the vidui, here you will find stories and lessons on the mitzvos of Yom Kippur itself, on the order of the service in the tefillah, on sefer Yonah and Ne’ilah, as well as derashos on Sukkos, the arba’ah minim, the simchas beis hashe’eivah, the ushpizin, Hoshana Rabbah, and Simchas Torah.

Tfutza Publications, hardcover, 447 pages.

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SKU: 56-1889
description of book The Shulchan Aruch tell us that before the Yamim Nora’im it’s important to go through the tefillos we will be saying to make sure that we know what we’re about to say and what it means. It’s especially important to review the seventy confessions of the vidui so that we understand what we are confessing and internalize it. Rav Galinsky goes through each confession, one by one, and through his stories and lessons from the Torah and Chazal, he explains how each on applies to us. Besides his insightful explanations of the vidui, here you will find stories and lessons on the mitzvos of Yom Kippur itself, on the order of the service in the tefillah, on sefer Yonah and Ne’ilah, as well as derashos on Sukkos, the arba’ah minim, the simchas beis hashe’eivah, the ushpizin, Hoshana Rabbah, and Simchas Torah. Tfutza Publications, hardcover, 447 pages.

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Rabbi Yaakov Galinsky

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