The Atonement

The challenges and tribulations, heartbreaks and joys of two bereft families eneavoring to rebuild and unite during the post World War II era lead each of the characters to reveal hidden layers of their personalities. Their personal stregths and failings collide, forcing each one to make tough decisions that shape their destinies and the future of the Roth family.

By: Sarah Schwartzman. Tfutza Publications. Hardcover, 447 pages.

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SKU: 56-1910
description of book The challenges and tribulations, heartbreaks and joys of two bereft families eneavoring to rebuild and unite during the post World War II era lead each of the characters to reveal hidden layers of their personalities. Their personal stregths and failings collide, forcing each one to make tough decisions that shape their destinies and the future of the Roth family. By: Sarah Schwartzman. Tfutza Publications. Hardcover, 447 pages.

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