Let’s Go…to the Sun and the Moon

Let’s Go…to the Sun and the Moon

In this wonderful book, children will get a guided tour of two of Hashem’s most amazing creations. They’ll find out why the moon seems to change all the time, and explore the hidden dark side of the moon. They’ll discover where the sun goes at night and visit a land where the sun shines at midnight. They’ll hear the exciting story of how Hashem once stopped the sun and discover why Jews count the months by the moon. It is a collection of incredible facts, amazing pictures and unforgettable stories.

By Nachman Zakon. Artscroll, 63 pages.

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SKU: 56-1613
description of book Let’s Go…to the Sun and the Moon In this wonderful book, children will get a guided tour of two of Hashem’s most amazing creations. They’ll find out why the moon seems to change all the time, and explore the hidden dark side of the moon. They’ll discover where the sun goes at night and visit a land where the sun shines at midnight. They’ll hear the exciting story of how Hashem once stopped the sun and discover why Jews count the months by the moon. It is a collection of incredible facts, amazing pictures and unforgettable stories. By Nachman Zakon. Artscroll, 63 pages.

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