Why Marry Jewish?

Why Marry Jewish?

This is a question that many young singles have asked themselves at one point or another. In this book are some very convincing answers. Author Doron Kornbluth presents some hard-and-fast evidence that will educate and enlighten. Citing dozens of research studies, he shows how inter-faith marriages affect not only the couple’s relationship, but their children’s futures, their family dynamics, and their own personal happiness. This is an intellectually stimulating, eye-opening book that will challenge you to think deeper about who you are–and what you want out of  life.

By Doron Kornbluth. Paperback. 182 pages

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SKU: fl-3714
description of book Why Marry Jewish? This is a question that many young singles have asked themselves at one point or another. In this book are some very convincing answers. Author Doron Kornbluth presents some hard-and-fast evidence that will educate and enlighten. Citing dozens of research studies, he shows how inter-faith marriages affect not only the couple’s relationship, but their children’s futures, their family dynamics, and their own personal happiness. This is an intellectually stimulating, eye-opening book that will challenge you to think deeper about who you are–and what you want out of  life. By Doron Kornbluth. Paperback. 182 pages

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