Tzali’s Adventures in Wanna Land

Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where he gets everything he wants? A world where everyone can do whatever they feel like doing? At first, such a world sounds amazing, and lots of fun! Now come along on a journey with Tzali to Wanna Land and see what happens… You might just reconsider. Illustrated by Sari Luria

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description of book Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where he gets everything he wants? A world where everyone can do whatever they feel like doing? At first, such a world sounds amazing, and lots of fun! Now come along on a journey with Tzali to Wanna Land and see what happens… You might just reconsider. Illustrated by Sari Luria

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About the Author

M. Safra

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  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: M. Safra
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