23 Under 1 Roof-Touring Eretz Yisrael #9

Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal!

What happens when…
…One of Yoni’s pigeons escapes?
…Bentzy and Tuli enter the Churvah Shul building site?
…Uncle Yaakov, Yoni, and Motty, get stuck in the middle of the desert, and it begins to rain?
…Etty falls off a kayak right into the Jordan River?
…Three foreign photographers think that they are being followed?

Come share in the latest dramatic adventures of the Schneiders’ 21 children!

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SKU: 56-2078
description of book Nothing that happens in the Schneider household is normal! What happens when……One of Yoni’s pigeons escapes?…Bentzy and Tuli enter the Churvah Shul building site?…Uncle Yaakov, Yoni, and Motty, get stuck in the middle of the desert, and it begins to rain?…Etty falls off a kayak right into the Jordan River?…Three foreign photographers think that they are being followed? Come share in the latest dramatic adventures of the Schneiders’ 21 children!

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Ruth Rappaport

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