Proof Positive

Author: Esther Toker

What happens when a powerful, talented man loses his health, his memory, and worst of all, his good name?

Real estate magnate Yossel Petronowitz is in a coma. His family must fight for his care even as they face other major challenges: An earth-shattering, long-guarded family secret, and a case of fraud that jeopardizes everything they hold dear.
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SKU: 36-5314
description of book Author: Esther Toker What happens when a powerful, talented man loses his health, his memory, and worst of all, his good name? Real estate magnate Yossel Petronowitz is in a coma. His family must fight for his care even as they face other major challenges: An earth-shattering, long-guarded family secret, and a case of fraud that jeopardizes everything they hold dear.

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