The Battle Against Forbidden Speech 

Words of gratitude transform and unite us. By valuing positive speech and fostering unity, we create a world where every individual can thrive in peace and Divine blessing. But, on the other hand...

Always Happy

How can a person accept the bad things in their lives with the same joy they feel when good things happen? Even if we intellectually understand the concept, can we control our emotions to the point of not being sad? 

The Road to Freedom

During the Seder, we are commanded to feel that we were personally liberated from Egypt. This takes real effort over time - how can we feel liberated when we're in such chaotic times?

Helping From a Distance

Many people who live outside of Israel have come to volunteer time and expertise during the war. Volunteering made them participants rather than spectators. What can those who cannot make the trip do to help?

Enjoy Yourself!

A mitzvah that is done with simcha (happiness) is rewarded a thousand times more than a person who does the mitzvah but feels burdened by it. 

Sacred Speech in a Noisy World

In our era where words travel at the speed of light, guarding the sanctity of speech is more relevant than ever. Speech is a great tool to unite and elevate us all!

Venahafoch Hu – Soon by You!

Not every day is Purim! Not every day are we given an opportunity to simply ASK for Hashem’s blessings and our requests are granted. Purim is a day when not only are all our deficiencies upended, but we receive an abundance! Don’t waste Purim- ASK! 

Look to the Light

The world is full of Hamans, but there is one thing that can save us, just like it did in the Purim story...

From Redemption to Prayer

The great power of the Jewish people is their ironclad emuna that cannot be influenced by any sorrow or suffering. The best gauge of a one’s emuna is his prayer. With strong emuna, one's prayer can bring miracles.

Queen Esther: Where Are You?, Part 2

We see a modern-day Haman, Achashverosh, and Mordecai. But where is a Queen Esther to prompt us to make teshuva and return to Hashem?

Queen Esther: Where Are You?, Part 1

We see a modern-day Haman, Achashverosh, and Mordecai. But where is a Queen Esther to prompt us to make teshuva and return to Hashem?

No Excuses

People make excuses to avoid growing their spirituality, and then they use reasoning to justify their behavior. However, they do not apply that same reasoning to other areas of their life. How do we break these excuses? The Kalever Rebbe explains...