Don’t Push It!

It is often best not to rush to enlist the help of a human intermediary unless the conditions warrant it, such as when one happens to show up at precisely the right moment…

Fix Family Finances in Five

No, you don't believe it, but it works! You can balance your budget and fix family finances in just five short minutes. Life really can be fine in five…

Moving to Israel

Like many of us, Leah doesn't like uncertainty. One of the “scripts” that she has in her head is that she needs to know it's going to be OK… A MUST READ!

Introducing the Emuna Pharmacy

Most people think that they must manage their chronic illnesses with prescription medications, including all the dangerous side effects. Chronic conditions are not inevitable…

From the Pits

DG is doing time in a Texas prison for a violent crime. He found himself in a kill or be-killed situation, for it's not easy to be a Jewish boy in an environment like that…

Making Waves

Iran attacked Israel; Israel reacted by destroying Iranian missile bases in Syria and boldly penetrating the heart of Tehran and seizing proof of Iran's nukes; war on the way?

Peeling the Veneer

She started to doubt G-d, and to doubt the purpose and point of all the rules that religious Jews keep. In her secret soul, she started to wonder what good it was doing her…

Spoiled Kids or Emuna Kids?

The biggest problem of a home that lacks gratitude is spoiled kids with massive egos, a huge sense of entitlement and a feeling that they deserve everything…

Win Your Game

The evil inclination is an expert in averting a woman's attention from what's really important, and throwing her into a sand-trap of stringencies in insignificant areas…

Rav Yehuda Zev and Our Kids

Want your kids to have emuna? Need ideas on how to bring it into their lives? Use the tips below laid out by one of the generation’s holiest individuals…

Bakin’ Biscuits

Waiting can be a hard thing to do, but part of the lesson of cooking is waiting for the results. In the fast-food society we live in, we can be robbed of the benefits of waiting…

No Prayer Left Behind

Hashem says “This person is thanking Me for his troubles! He's going above his nature. Therefore I'm going to send a miraculous salvation that transcends nature”…