A Month of Gratitude

The benefits of gratitude are most experienced when we practice it regardless of our circumstances, rather than waiting for positive circumstances.

Don’t Run Through the Treasure House! – A New Light

Imagine running through the King’s treasure house without slowing down to grab even one gem… that’s what most of us do, three times a day!

The Secret to Jewish Greatness

From the first generation to this one, the classic role of a woman is to command her family. She sets the spiritual tone of the home...

Dr. Emuna: You are Not Powerless!

In the face of utter helplessness, there is one way to empower ourselves and affect real change in our lives…

Start Listening

She needs you - to listen to her, to care about her. Through this, you receive great abundance! Rabbi Shalom Arush reveals to us the secret of livelihood.

Love Everyone

Loving everyone – you cannot understand what a revolution this will be for the Jewish people and the entire world!

Thank You Changes Nature

If a problem has no recourse, you need a solution that is above nature. Use the Chok Todah, because by thanking Hashem, you connect with Hashem Who is above nature.

Pray for Others First

Pray for other people to have that thing that you also want, and watch how God opens the door to answer your prayers too.

The Slogan of the Redemption

Rabbi Arush continues the theme of "I Love Everyone" as a means of bringing the Redemption in a merciful way. Weak emuna, not other people, is the problem!

Don’t Skimp on Words

The reward for encouraging words is greater than for giving charity, and “charity saves from death”! So too the punishment for skimping on them…

Civic Duty

Everyone is wearing a mask now outside. It is a hint to us from God why this virus has come - Cover your mouth! Shut your mouth!

Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Pray for Mashiach

On Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the first day of the Jewish month of Nissan, God decides if Mashiach will come this year.