Nutrients for the Soul

What does it mean to be satisfied with your lot in life? Even when things aren't going your way, you're still happy, because you know that Hashem knows what He's doing.

It’s Not My Money

And so the scholar did what only about five other people in the world would do - he ran back to Tzemach to return the money...

To Save A Soul

"At the time, I had no idea of how complex this would be, or of how many people and organizations throughout the world would become involved in this mission...

Venahafoch Hu – Soon by You!

Not every day is Purim! Not every day are we given an opportunity to simply ASK for Hashem’s blessings and our requests are granted. Purim is a day when not only are all our deficiencies upended, but we receive an abundance! Don’t waste Purim- ASK! 

No Excuses

People make excuses to avoid growing their spirituality, and then they use reasoning to justify their behavior. However, they do not apply that same reasoning to other areas of their life. How do we break these excuses? The Kalever Rebbe explains... 

There Are No Shortcuts

Thinking of making aliyah to Eretz Yisrael? A Jew’s entire kedusha depends on Eretz Yisrael. Aliyah is not trivial - one needs much preparation and longing. It’s a life-long journey with no shortcuts.

Protect Your House

There are people who mock rabbis and Torah scholars as "useless" and "out of touch." Not surprisingly, their children learn to view rabbis as such. This approach destroys the last hope of saving their children from the spiritually deadly epidemics afflicting modern society. 

Don’t Be Sad

Learn the lesson of Yosef and his brothers. A person cannot live a happy life when he is constantly jealous of others. Don't allow this negative emotion to entrap you in a state of depression! Rather, live a happy life that is void of hatred and jealousy.

Why is There Antisemitism?

Why do they hate Jews? Why does “equality and justice for all” and women’s rights and more apply to everyone – except Jews?

The Shocking Truth

Antisemitism, Jew-hatred – whatever term you use – is soaring to alarming levels not seen since the Holocaust. How did it get to be so bad, so quickly when we have  equality, civil rights, and religious freedom?! 

The Tzaddik of Simchat Torah

The tremendous story by a survivor of the Simchat Torah massacre came out. How did he survive against all odds? Let’s follow his example to bring the Final Redemption mercifully! 

I Am Your Shield

We are in the midst of charon af (divine fury) in the world. What concrete steps can we take to regain a sense of safety and protection in Hashem?