See Hashem!

The time of the Megillah reading is an awesome and holy time – this is no time for firecrackers! Instead, come learn how to see Hashem and get huge miracles on Purim…

Shmini: Every Day is a New Creation

We try to improve ourselves and turn to Hashem for help. Even if we fall, Rebbe Nachman says that everything will turn for the best and we will reach our goal.

Tzav: Be Happy, Be Healed

The month of Nissan is a month of miracles. Just being happy is in and of itself one of the most powerful healing potions possible…

Separate or One

The divisiveness of the Jewish nation at the time of Esther and Mordechai is seen in our own day! Are we a nation of individuals or a unified people? 

Amalek LCD

No, contemporary Amalek is not a terrorist with a dagger between his teeth or a suicide belt of explosives. He looks innocent, actually resembling a harmless geek…

A Parent’s Letter to Hashem

So many of us are guiding our children along a superficial path that leads to a fancy piece of paper - a degree - that they hope will produce a good-paying job…

Zot Chanukah

Zot Chanukah - the 8th Chanukah light. When compared to the "ohr ein sof" that burns in the Chanukah candles, the so-called "light" of enlightenment and modern philosophy is utter darkness…

The Case of Mistaken Identity

Hashem is calling His Jewish children to choose between serving Him or serving the maidservant’s son; very soon, every Jew will have to make a choice…

Gift or Murder?

One is not permitted to destroy life because life belongs to G-d. G-d entrusts us with life, but life doesn't belong to us to destroy it with a nicotine dependence...

Tripping Over Tongues

People roll their eyes in self-righteousness and whine, "Hashem, why do I deserve these tribulations?" Maybe they tripped over their tongue?

The KP (Kosher for Passover) Brain

Without a doubt, our homes will all be kosher for Passover. But what about our brains? Have we started to do anything about ridding them from troubling and forbidden thoughts?

On the Playing Field

Children who come from a close and stable family unit are more likely to have strong self-esteem, they are therefore statistically more likely to succeed...