Put your Head Down 

Some tests in life are totally overwhelming and unbearable. How do we deal with them without breaking? Where is Hashem’s mercy in all of this? 

And Restore the Service… 

We recently completed the days of mourning of the destruction of the Temple. We don't yearn for something that was and is no more. We don't dwell on the glorious past of our nation. We build the Third Temple! How do we do that?

Are Kameas Allowed?

A reader asks, “Are Kameas allowed?” Are they some sort of magic or Avodah Zarah? Where do they fit into Breslev tradition? How can you properly use them?

Your Employment Agency

Belief is what creates reality. Belief determines a successful outcome. If you believe in yourself, you will succeed.

It’s Just the Beginning…

Acquiring the Torah is a daily task, not a one-time event. We will count 50 days from Pesach to Shavuot to refine our middot, but the work never ends. That's what is so beautiful about life. One is always moving forward, improving oneself, discovering new things.

Preparation for Sinai 

Oh no, we have less than a week until Shavuot! I need to get my grocery list ready for major shopping. What kind of dairy course should I serve? I absolutely must find a new outfit... WAIT!! Rabbi Arush explains that the REAL preparation is in the heart. Also read about Rabbi Palagi's segula for Erev Shavuot.

HaRav HaGaon Chaim Kanievsky

Date of Passing: 15-Adar. R’ Kanievsky was the leader of the Haredi community world-wide, yet he was recognized as one who loved all of Am Yisrael. May he continue to be an advocate for each Jew and for the Jewish nation from his place in Shamayim!

The Power of Words

The power of speech, both positive and negative, is beyond measure. Words can heal. Words can hurt. Change your words, and you’ll change the world!

The Hopeless Marriage – New Again

This incredible story proves the power of Rabbi Arush’s teachings on marital peace – and also, the power of a pidyon with Rabbi Arush!

The Little Neshama That Could

Each of us has enormous power to pull fellow Jews and ourselves out of the rubble. An impossible task? No! Hashem blesses our efforts a thousand-fold!

The Real Question

I received this question recently and the important answer is not at all what you might expect… a must read for everyone!

Take It On! Mitzvot – Spiritual Weapons, Part 8

Making positive spiritual changes in your life is a very powerful tool to sweeten harsh judgments and bring down miracles and salvations that we so desperately need.