A Strong Home Front  

Military experts are rightfully concerned about the Home Front and are arming and fortifying border settlements. Likewise, we must fortify Jewish homes because true victory in the campaign only comes when the Shechina (Divine Presence) is with us.

WHY is Hashem Doing This to Us?

A MUST READ on the situation in Israel! One of the most important messages by Rabbi Arush ever! READ AND SHARE!

The Beautiful Life That Awaits You

How is it possible to feel the loss of the Beit Hamikdash when we were never there? What impact will the Temple have on our lives? Read Rabbi Arush’s amazing answer!

Take God’s Hand – Part 1

Rabbi Arush teaches that if you receive anything that you did not pray to receive, it will end up being a punishment! What's the big deal? Why should you be punished for receiving something that you didn’t ask Hashem for?  

The Gateway

We all want our prayers to be accepted by Hashem. We want to be counted among those who fear and love Him. We want to develop good middot, holiness, and purity. One prerequisite will bring all of these... 

Tell Your Story!

We've all made it through some tough times in our lives. Talk about Hashem's miracles in your life! When you recount a story of how Hashem saved you, Hashem Himself calls His legions of angels to come join Him in listening to you recount His wonders!

Where is Your Mishkan?

How important is peace in the home? Everyone would agree that it's very important. So why is peace in Jewish homes going downhill? Because some things are even more important - like "truth" and "justice"! Rabbi Arush explains...

What is Endless Joy? 

How can you achieve being truly happy for another? Only by praying for the Jewish people! If you take on this prayer as a personal commitment, another Jew’s joy becomes your own personal joy.

How Does One Find One’s Match? 

Are you looking for a soulmate for yourself or a child? Read Rabbi Arush's sound advice for a successful match!

My Grandfather is a Billionaire 

The greatest wealth that a person needs in this world are children who walk in the way of Hashem. There is no happiness and wealth like that. How does one achieve that?

The World’s Building Blocks

Are you a parent who wants to raise successful, happy, and emotionally healthy children? Read Rabbi Arush's tried-and-true advice!

A Lazy Man Works Double 

Do you want successful and emotionally healthy children? Do you want closeness with your spouse and a tranquil home? Roll up your sleeves and read Rabbi Arush's wise advise...