In Personal Prayer Ask Hashem for Anything!

Breslev Israel is delighted to present our readers with a condensed and practical guide to personal prayer based on the teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit'a…

Today’s Erev Rav

Before Mashiach comes, many so-called "religious leaders" will preach falsehood. Truly pious individuals will remain, but they will be widely scattered...

Goodbye Prozac, Hello Emuna

“Prozac took the edge off my depression and helped me function better. But there was one side effect—I felt my entire being was encased in a kind of invisible cellophane…”

I’m Not a Breslever!

People like to tell themselves, “I’m not a Breslever, so all that stuff about talking to Hashem and having emuna really doesn’t apply to me...”

Moshiach, Now?

Is the coming of Moshiach what the Jewish People needs right now? Will Moshiach solve our day-to-day problems? Will life be easier? Rav Shalom Arush answers…

Where There is a Will, There is a Way – A New Light

A person can have many excuses for why he did not succeed in life, but he cannot have any excuse for why he did not want to succeed...

The Cure for Corona

Corona came from Hashem, not some government, chance, or a bat. Therefore, don’t look to natural cures to heal it, either!

Pekudei: The Daily Inventory

The English expression of self-assessment is "taking stock in oneself". Where does this come from? The neighborhood grocer checks his stock every day...

Emuna Exercise

We don’t need to roll in the snow or fast- just a few simple activities a day can greatly increase our awareness of our loving Father who wants to be close to His children!

Vayeshev: Stories

Sometimes we understand messages about life better through a story. Stories can touch our hearts in a deeper way than hearing the same thing directly.

Fear and Love

Our service of Hashem must be filled with both aspects in order to be complete, although in our generation, focusing on loving Hashem takes precedence...

Treasure Hunt

If you grew up with a limited exposure to the Torah, don't be discouraged. Here are some useful resources to launch your spiritual journey.