Is Mashiach Still Coming this Year?

What happened to the promise that last Rosh Hashanah was the last without Mashiach? There are only a few weeks left to Rosh Hashanah again – what’s going on?

Tidal Wave of Gratitude

Rather than be swept along in the tide of the day, we need to swim against the stream of pervasive complaining and negativity.

Are Thoughts Worse than Deeds?

This article is specifically written for men and their challenges. May we be blessed with marital peace, good income, and Divine compassion and salvation.

Emuna is not Enough

Emuna is the foundation of the Torah. But even emuna is only a means to an end… A HUGE NEW INSIGHT!!! MUST READ!

From Celebration… to Day of Mourning

Breslev Israel cries with the bereaved and prays for the injured from the tragic event in Meron on Lag B'Omer. How do we cope with such a tremendous loss such a joyous day?

The Newspaper Boy

Hashem wants a relationship with all of His children. When you say “thank You” to Hashem, it is to give to Him rather than to get something from Him.

Take Responsibility!

Who is truly to blame for the current situation, and what do we do about it? Read the article Rabbi Arush says is the most important he’s ever written!

2000% Return

His financial situation was super tight, but he decided anyway to donate to Chut shel Chessed. Then, he got a letter in the mail…

Asher Yatzar – The Self-Healing Prayer

What is the importance of the blessing after visiting the restroom? What are the healing attributes and the practical halacha of the Asher Yatzar blessing?

In Personal Prayer Ask Hashem for Anything!

Breslev Israel is delighted to present our readers with a condensed and practical guide to personal prayer based on the teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit'a…

Today’s Erev Rav

Before Mashiach comes, many so-called "religious leaders" will preach falsehood. Truly pious individuals will remain, but they will be widely scattered...

Goodbye Prozac, Hello Emuna

“Prozac took the edge off my depression and helped me function better. But there was one side effect—I felt my entire being was encased in a kind of invisible cellophane…”