A Year of Gratitude 

A juicy orange, a deep breath of air to fill your lungs, a cup of coffee at breakfast... What's the big deal? It's a VERY big deal! Read on...

Hashem is Right – Part 1

The question everyone is asking about thanking Hashem, explained…

Why Isn’t Charity Working? 

A reader faithfully gives chomesh (20% tithe) for almost two years. Instead of the expected improvement in her finances, the opposite is happening. Why isn't it working?

Giving is Living 

As we progress through the three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple and our extended exile, let’s remember that the cause is baseless hatred. This can only be remedied by fostering love of Yisrael, both within ourselves and others.

A Letter for Life-Seekers 

During these tumultuous times, who doesn't experience distress and anxiety? Is that fate decreed in heaven? Rabbi Arush gives us hope...

It’s A Miracle!

Rabbi Akiva taught that there were 50 plagues in Egypt and 250 plagues at the Yam Suf. If you think that’s a lot of miracles, think about the thousands of miracles that occur in your body at every moment! Nothing is “natural” or by chance!

Remembering the Half Shekel

When it comes to the holiness in every Jew, we are all equal. Fulfilling the mitzvah of remembering the machatzit hashekel offering assures protection and atonement to each individual and to the Jewish nation as a whole.

How to Stop Crying

How in the world can one not cry when life is so painful and confusing? Is there any way to prevent a downward spiral into real depression? Yes!! You can turn that nosedive around!

Empathy Empowers Prayer

The Jewish people are facing unprecedented difficulties. What can we, as individuals, do to improve the situation? An insight comes from the Priestly Blessing (Bircas Kohanim) and feeling mutual love for each other.

Beshalach: The Silent Scream

Hashem is teaching us a lesson: "You don't need to cry out to Me within earshot of others; a silent scream from your heart is enough!"

Gratitude Changes Everything

The single, most important factor in determining your happiness is being thankful for what you have! Try these proven ways to grow your gratitude and live a happier life.

Holy Focus

Who isn’t distracted during prayers by what’s happening in his life? Here are some strategies to maintain focus during prayer.