Winning – The Jewish Way 

We must act! We must man our battle stations of prayer, mitzvot, and Torah learning. In this war, we are all called up to fight. This is the key to winning the Iron Swords war!

A Year of Hope and Optimism

In our current troubles, it seems that baseless hatred is becoming more widespread and toxic. Although it’s easy to be pessimistic about the upcoming year, there are powerful reasons to believe that redemption is imminent. 

Path to Hashem, Joy, and Emuna

From the worst financial, social, and educational disadvantages to the mayor of a major international city – sounds like a fairy tale! NYC Mayor Adams attributes his rise in life to the Creator, joy, and emuna. 

The Full Life of a Wheat Field

If we judge a wheat field by the way it looked at a single point in time, we might make the tragic error of judging it to be worthless. Same goes with judging people (including ourselves). Never underestimate the ability to repent!

Morale Booster

In today’s stressful world, we can all use some encouragement and optimism. But where do we get that? From the Exodus story!

Revitalizing Our Prayers

Our main work during Sefirat Ha’Omer in preparation for receiving the Torah is to improve interpersonal relationships. It's important to set aside time for prayer for Am Yisrael and to do acts of kindness. How can we energize ourselves to do that when we already have a packed daily schedule?

We Will Win Only with Love!

Israeli President Hertzog hosted Rabbi Shalom Arush at the President's residence. The main goal: To increase love and unity among Jews.

The Best Medicine

The famous writer, Norman Cousins, had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and given only a few months to live. How did he manage to live another happy and healthy 20 years?

Supercharge Your Prayers

Discouraged that your prayers are far from ideal? Here is great advice about how to pray with real focus and yearning.

A Year of Gratitude 

A juicy orange, a deep breath of air to fill your lungs, a cup of coffee at breakfast... What's the big deal? It's a VERY big deal! Read on...

Hashem is Right – Part 1

The question everyone is asking about thanking Hashem, explained…

Why Isn’t Charity Working? 

A reader faithfully gives chomesh (20% tithe) for almost two years. Instead of the expected improvement in her finances, the opposite is happening. Why isn't it working?