Repentance Online

It's OK to close the Gemara to make a living or to exercise for health. However we don't have a license to sit excessively in front of the computer playing games...

Modeling Greatness

So many people today are living lives that are devoid of inspiration and passion. Who, today, is really excited to get out of bed and live another day?

Melancholy Molly

One of the evil inclination's favorite tricks is to keep people focused on themselves. When we focus on ourselves, we find all kinds of things that are wrong with our lives...

From Troubles to Triumphs

How can we avoid the self-defeating behavior of a bad habit or of repeated mistakes? How can we put the brakes on a downward spiral and make a new beginning?

5 Tips for Joy in Marriage

Your wife wants to be number one in your life; she won't stand for anything to be used as an excuse to make her second priority, not even your Torah learning...(For Men only)

I Don’t Care Emuna

We can put in the effort, but the results are up to Hashem. Whatever the results, they are good. They are always what we want, what we need, or what must come next…

Give Her 95 Unleaded!

The irate husband yelled in Rabbi David's ear, "There's no hope for this marriage! My wife is insane! She needs to be put in an institution and I need a divorce!"

Educating Ourselves

How does a parent cope with the incessant battle of showing the kids the light of Torah amidst the fighting ground of iPhone 6, tablets and WiFi?

Smile Please

Remember Rabbi Shalom Arush’s advice – pick one area and focus on it in your daily hitbodedut for 3 months, don’t get overwhelmed trying to work on too many areas at once…

My Miracle Baby

The baby’s heart rate kept dropping and they prepared her for the operating room. Our worst fear was actualizing, Heaven forbid. Tears began flowing down my wife's face...

One-on-One with Singer and Musician Ari Goldwag

Whether you are looking for songs to stir your emotions, pray, laugh or dance, singer and composer Ari Goldwag is humbly changing the face of Jewish music...

The Silver Lining

Beyond the regal claims of “free speech,” and “free expression,” might there lurk beneath the shadows descendants of Amalek, Haman, and Bilaam?