Keeping Our Resolutions

Now that we are starting the year, it gets more difficult to keep up the new year resolutions we made during the High Holy Days. There is some simple advice to keep you going!

Membership with Breslev Israel!

You too can spread emuna around the world. Click on Donations and select a membership or click here for more information.

My House was Saved from the Fire

I felt like a complete lunatic thanking Hashem while my house burned, but I knew it was the truth, and the only thing that would help me...

Meet Rabbi Yonatan Balaish

Meet Rabbi Yonatan Balaish. He has been teaching emuna for years in English in his travels around the world. Now, in addition to his Hebrew videos he teaches online in English too!

Who’s Running the Show?

We all have lots of voices in our head. It’s hard to tell which ones are good or bad, which ones to listen to, and which ones are coming from our “real self.”

Gratitude, the Three Weeks, and Redemption

When we travel on the path of gratitude, the Evil Inclination sets up land mines and booby traps. How can we possibly succeed? Here are some simple suggestions...

The Missing Link

Part 1 of the new series, “Talk to God and Fix Your Health.” Why do we really get sick and how can we truly heal ourselves?

Trust in One

A man who ran a small delivery business came to see the Chofetz Chaim. He cried that his horse had died and that he had lost the source of his livelihood…

Tears or Fears

Prayer is just like exercise. If it’s something you are not used to doing, in the beginning it hurts and is time consuming. You also don’t see your end-result right away…

Defend Your Soul, Take Control

Just like in Alcoholics Anonymous, to improve first you need to admit you have a problem and believe in a Higher Power to help you get through the turbulence…

Gratitude First

When we offer sincere statements of gratitude, we are immunizing ourselves from the two most potent spiritual toxins, a sense of entitlement and the spirit of arrogance…

Avoiding the Confusion

The non-Torah mindset leads to confusion and a confused mind leads one to do selfish things that may seem logical because “everyone” is doing them to get ahead…