The Tale of the Lost Princess

Rebbe Nachman's tale, "The Lost Princess" (Rabbi Arush's book "The Garden of Yearning") has the ability to arouse the heart to the soft voice of the soul that calls from our deepest inner depths.

Service From The Heart

For Noahides, life can be tricky; they fear offending Hashem by going too far, yet feel nervous that they’re not doing enough. This new siddur provides them...

Connected Above

The astonished lads yelled in the direction of the old chassid, "Hey, how did you get up there?" The chassid's answer sums up our entire way of life...

Pesach: An Overview

Here is a basic practical Passover guide, from preparing for Pesach, to Seder night, to counting the Omer; This is not a dummy's guide; it's a dummy-prevention guide...


Why did Rebbe Nachman place so much emphasis on avoiding criticism? Rebbe Nachman understood the importance of shalom bayit (peace in the home)...

A Plan of Action

As promised, here's the six-stage plan of action for a separated or crisis-ridden husband whose marriage is going up in flames; this plan is...

Goodbye, Columbus, 2007

People plan weddings, spend an arm and a leg on food, flowers, and frills. Oftentimes, no one thinks about hiring reputable premarital instructors for the...

The Three Keys

Three powerful suggestions to bind ourselves to the Tzaddik: study the Rebbe's writings, give tzedakah (charity), and hitbodedut (personal prayer).

Courage To Cry

Religion is not about escaping reality. To be religious is to face reality head on, with the knowledge that that reality is our challenge in life, a challenge..

The True Test of Character – Part 3

The two most important things to a woman is the knowledge that her husband loves her more than anyone else and that he cherishes and respects her...

The Melitzer Rebbe Shlit’a

The handwriting analyst’s jaw dropped. I asked him if something was wrong. He answered, “On the contrary! This individual has phenomenal leadership qualities...

A Slave to a Vicious Master

Happiness comes from within, and is independent of outside substances and stimuli. Take away an alcoholic's bottle; he won't be happy for long.