From Lead Role to Torah Scroll

Interview with Shuli Rand, internationally acclaimed screenwriter, musician, and actor who played the lead role in...

Menachem Herman and Emuna – An Interview

Considered by many the best lead guitarist in the world of Jewish music, Menachem is a combination of outer fireball and inner peace. His new Emuna – rock music project...

Vayeshev: Crying Out to Hashem, and to Hashem Only

Parshat Vayeishev - Reuven, as the oldest brother, didn't want to take a chance, so he "rescued" Yosef from their hand. Instead of rescuing Yosef...

Thanking Hashem For Our Troubles

A wonderful upward spiritual spiral begins; his sadness stops, and so do bad luck and severe judgments…

14 Tips for Avoiding Financial Trouble

The Talmud is well aware of the havoc that money problems create in a marital relationship. To help keep the peace, a couple should learn a few vital pointers...

Days of Terror

2007: My neighbor's daughter and family fled Tsfat. Last night, they used my computer to check their email. Lisa described how everything had been so normal...

Days of War

2007: To my beloved Jewish nation: We are living in difficult times. Our nation is presently at war. Some of our precious sons were taken into...

The Butterfly

The old man contemplated the whole episode of the cocoon. "What did I do wrong? Maybe I shouldn't have interfered by trying to help that beautiful...


During one of my recent lectures, I told a group of married people that if our mouths were oceans overflowing with songs of praise, and our...

Vayikra: Success and Humility

The Olah, or burnt offering, is so important that it has the honor of being the very first sacrifice mentioned...

The True Test of Character – Part 2

People will do anything for honor and prestige. But far away from the camera's eye is where the real test…

The Good Listener

I couldn't help but overhear two of my rabbinical students reviewing a point in Talmudic Law: The first student pounded the table with his fist...