Shmini: Sacred or Profane

In Jewish spirituality, something is pure or impure, kosher or not kosher, sacred or profane. There is no middle ground between the two and no hybrids...

Tzav: All for the Boss

Rashi says that the Cohanim must be prodded to perform the type of sacrifices where they have no personal gain. How can he posssibly say such a thing?

Don’t Say You’re Too Old!

Before Martin changed his lifestyle, he never thought of Hashem, but Hashem thought of him. He asked, "Why was Hashem here for me when I wasn't here for Him?"

The Beauty of Simplicity

After careful planning and working extra hard to make a great class, it was all crumbling before my eyes; my students were cheating on their test...

Teshuva in Personal Prayer

Breslev Israel is delighted to present our readers with a condensed and practical guide to personal prayer based on the teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit'a…

Gratitude in Personal Prayer

Breslev Israel is delighted to present our readers with a condensed and practical guide to personal prayer based on the teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit'a…

The Biopsychiatric Bluff

The young man found it unbearable to hear that his core is a damaged and defective person who is incapable of being happy like other people...

Personal Prayer Warmup

Breslev Israel is delighted to present our readers with a condensed and practical guide to personal prayer based on the teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit'a…

Sadism Therapy

Gabriel's therapist, a well-reputed professional, repeatedly belittled him and insulted him; is additional abuse what he really needs to cure him?

Nothing to Lose but Pounds

Gary was resolved to the fact that he'd be overweight for the rest of his life, accepting his layers of excess fat as a necessary fact of life, until he heard one CD...

Rising in Unity

When our focus is on the color of a man's kippa, or whether the woman is wearing a scarf or a wig, we're failing to see the inner dimension of Judaism and the Jewish people...

The Rich Uncle

Each person around the table expressed his or her thanks when their turn came, but the rich uncle claimed that he didn't need to thank anyone, for he deserves what he has...