It’s Your Hour

Judging from the resistance each person gets when he or she tries to set aside an hour a day to connect with Hashem, we can understand the virtue and value of this great asset...

Thank-You, Cherished Friends

Rav Shalom Arush shlit'a writes a personal thank-you note to all those who sent him condolence messages following the tragic death of his granddaughter, Feigie Channa ob”m...

Feigie Channa, OB”M

Our beloved and esteemed Rabbi Shalom Arush answers an inquisitive media reporter after the funeral of his baby granddaughter, Feigie Channa, of blessed memory...

It’s Not My Problem

A person shrugs his shoulders and says, "It's not my responsibility that John Doe is lost in the woods". Rebbe Nachman of Breslev has a different opinion...

The Perfect Man

I got married almost six months ago to a guy who I thought was the perfect man. Now, I feel like the guy I dated and the guy I'm married to are two different people! What gives?!

The Battle of the Eyes

FOR MEN ONLY. As soon as a he walks out the front door in the morning, the battle begins. A young lady assaults him from the front; he looks aside, but is ambushed by the neighbor's wife...

An Ode to Women

Where do they get all their strength from? The biggest macho bodybuilder couldn't last one day doing everything that the average mom at home raising her small children does...

The 26th Lap

In each person’s climb up the spiritual ladder there are times when we are challenged with doing what’s comfortable, but the inner voice seems to be telling us otherwise…

The Only Address

A young married couple each separately visited doctors and found out that they were unable to have children. In despair, they went to see Rav Arush and asked what to do...

The Bodybuilder Rebbe

Like many American Jews, Dave didn't get much Jewish upbringing in his childhood. He went to Sunday school and had a Bar Mitzvah, but after that, zilch...

Vayeshev: A Perfect Fit

The prophet Amos tells us that Joseph the tzaddik was sold for the price of shoes (see Amos 2:6). Why specifically for the price of a pair of shoes?

A Tale of Two Friends

There were two friends - one wealthy and generous and the second a simple individual of minimal means. They set out to help a mutual friend in dire need...