What’s Your Profile Number?

The pain and tribulations that great people experience are the factors that paved their road to greatness. We too should thank Hashem for our moments of extreme tests...

Vayera: Why the Laughter?

What would you do if a desert nomad walked into your living room with his camels and tells you that he's come to take you to the coronation of Moshiach? Would you laugh?

Your Soul in Control

The body can and should be holy, but it is sanctified only when it is serving the needs of the soul. The body should be a sailor on the ship, but not the captain...

Border Patrol

We all know how carefully we must guard the borders of our country; yet, the borders of our children's minds are much more vulnerable to attack...

A Clean Brain

When we are honest with ourselves, we all are harboring this huge enemy in our hearts which is waiting in an ambush at every moment to rob us of our focus on Hashem...

The Oyster Syndrome

How does such a gorgeous, valuable pearl emerge from filth and waste? From the lowest depths of muck and mire comes a symbol of beauty and wealth that women cherish...

The Scoreboard Theory

Every individual self-improvement scores big for the Jewish People, while transgressions – especially those between man and fellow man – score big for our enemies...

Yom Kippur Light for Kids

If we want our children to continue in the path of Torah, it’s time for us as parents to do some soul searching. What better time than now before Yom Kippur?

The Chameleon Husband

Wendy's husband ignores her most of the time, neglects her and denies her money. Then, when the ritually pure days arrive, he changes his skin like a chameleon...

Haazinu: The 24-Karat Noose

Hashem's justice is the epitome of truth and fairness; the things we do for or against other people create spiritual forces that come right back at us...  A GRIPPING TRUE STORY!

The Barefoot Beggar

On the way to Rockefeller Center, near the famous ice rink, they saw - to their utter amazement - a barefoot, shivering beggar with his bony hand extended hoping for a coin…

Sin and Startups

What is the connection between the average Israeli startup, Torah, and teshuva? Failure.