Geula: Lesson #1

Sometimes, our internal wars with each other make the Geula seem more remote than ever! What's the point of praying for Redemption when we hate each other? Rabbi Arush shows why we absolutely must believe that Hashem will redeem us if we cry out.

You Will Consume All Nations

Want to build strong merits for your fellow Jews but long fasts and rolling in the snow isn't practical? Rabbi Arush gives a surprisingly simple (and pleasant) way to help our brethren.

I Am Your Shield

We are in the midst of charon af (divine fury) in the world. What concrete steps can we take to regain a sense of safety and protection in Hashem?

A Year Full of Joy

Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgment. In one moment, our fate for the next year is decided. Rabbi Arush explains how can one be happy on such a serious occasion.

Spiritual Understanding Within Your Reach

In comparison to serious Talmudic studies, strengthening one’s emuna might seem appropriate for the unlearned, for women, and for children. Not so! Only through emuna can one grasp the entire Torah!

Come Back to Life and See the Good

Shabbat Parah Adumah: Belief in ourselves is critical before we can extricate ourselves from all the bad in us. How can we focus on the good within without blurring the lines between good and evil?

Terumah: Turn Cruelty into Mercy

We are naturally selfish by nature. When we get out of worrying about ourselves and our problems and give to others, we gain more than what we gave - physically and spiritually.

Bo: Good Points

The good inside of me is one with Hashem. The minute that a person recognizes this and appreciates it, it’s like flicking a switch…

Toldot: Born or Bred?

There is a great debate about whether our character traits are inborn and unchangeable, or developed through the course of our lives. The Torah says that both are true...

Shlach Lecha: What You Want, You Get

Wanting good, and continuing to want to do whatever good we can, no matter where we might find ourselves in life, is the only thing that IS truly in our hands.

Shemot: Cry Out!

In our current exile, our only option is to cry out to God, just as our ancestors did in Egypt. Just as God heard their cries, He will certainly hear ours!

Follow the Law

Just like there are physical laws of nature, so too, there are spiritual laws! You have to follow the law, and not ask God to cancel the law on your behalf.