All for the Best

The crucial endeavor of attaining emuna can only be accomplished here amidst challenges, darkness and confusion. This is our most important mission in life…

Return, Mischievous Children

Teshuva is a misunderstood concept. It not a social movement that applies only to those from non-observant backgrounds…

Real Gratitude

Thanks to our matriarch Leah, we don't have to wait till we see how things turn out for the best. We know that we should thank Hashem for everything up front…

The Kidnapped Baby

Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger rose so high in the Catholic church that he was a candidate for pope. He was a Jew from Poland, born Aaron Levy to Jewish parents…

The Tefillin Miracle

In the entire Texas Prison System, only six individuals own a pair of tefillin. At DG's unit, he's the only one; before Yom Kipper, two guards took them away...

The Coffee Date with G-d

I was born and raised as nice religious Jewish girl, but my belief in Hashem was superficial at best; then, I had my first encounter with Divine providence…

Ten Times is the Trick

There are two powers in the world, that of giving and of taking. No person can ever make a change in the way he relates to other people so long as he intends to continue taking…

Emuna, not Worry

How can we make sure that we consistently choose emuna, not only when things are going smoothly but even when things are painful and confusing?


If you didn’t grow up frum, then you definitely don’t have people fighting over who gets to make the sheva brochas for you since they don’t even know what it is…

The Prayer Campaign

Repeated prayer expresses and develops emuna by internalizing the reality that we depend solely on Hashem. This emuna creates a vessel for salvation…

Wannabe Rabbi

What was a rabbi? Somebody who yelled at Grandpa and his friends for having a beer party with some girls in the Polish forest. Maybe they also ate Polish sausage…

Solid Change Takes Time

We’re a generation of speed. Whatever we do, we do it fast, and the faster we can do it the more praiseworthy we are in this digital age of Babel incarnate…