Strange Work

People translate avoda zara as idolatry; but literally, it means ‘strange work’; everyone knows that idolatry is a joke, but have our careers replaced the idols?

The Spendthrift Wife

An emotionally-satisfied wife that gets the love and attention she needs from her husband won’t hunger for the ersatz thrill of impulse buying and spending money…

Becoming One

How many women refuse to date a man who is not making enough money to support her in the style she envisions for herself? Those who marry for money are two-time losers…

A Magnificent Gift: Debts

This is the amazing story of how Rabbi Shalom Arush owed a hopeless amount of money and the miraculous path he took to succeed in repaying every last cent he owed…

A Peanut for the Elephant

A candid and amazing account of a beautiful young woman’s battle with her evil inclination, and the connection between her aliya and her growth in personal modesty.

The Little ‘Thank-You’ Book

Slowly, I went through every ‘negative’ experience, and saw the tremendous good that came out of every situation. And that gave me a tremendous boost...

The Drone

4 min

The drone is a male bee with no stinger. It also doesn’t gather pollen or produce honey. The drone is the classic parasite, living off the work of others. As a husband, he’s...

Keeping a Lid on the Stupid

A constant string of negative feedback hurts your spouse’s spirit. They can never just relax and let their guard down. It’s that simple...

Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzera – The Abir Yaakov

Date of Passing: 20-Tevet. The Abir Yaakov was a leading Moroccan rabbi of the 19th century. He left Morocco for Israel, but he died in Egypt.