Done With Religion!

Did you ever ask yourself what your motivation is for observing the Torah's commandments? Do you give any thought to what you do, or is it automatic?

Religious Clutter

Being trapped by my old religious beliefs clutter is no way to grow. Being overwhelmed by the tremendous gap in my knowledge of truth is not helpful either...

The Wallpaper

Sometimes, the external circumstances seem terrible and people ask, "How can Hashem do such a thing?" But underneath, dramatic improvements are taking place...


Although externally the narcissistic liar may appear to be a commanding and imperious figure - take a closer look, it’s just a thin veneer – he’s a paper tiger...

The Original Sin

If you stick to Rebbe Nachman, and do an hour of hitbodedut (personal prayer) every single day, that you'll merit fixing every single one of your previous lifetimes...

Smile, All the Time!

Our difficulties in life are gifts in disguise to prevent us from becoming smug and to keep us close to Hashem; once we feel Hashem's Presence, everything is good...

Head over Heart

The heart is wild by nature and can cause you lots of pain if it’s not put in check. However, if the head comes first, the heart will surely jump in at the right time...

Four Cups, Four Mothers

The Maharal explains that whereas Pesach Matzah and Maror are in the merit of the Avot (Fathers), the Four Cups correspond respectively to our four holy mothers...

Together Again

A couple with five children separated then divorced; two years later, they remarried, but all the old problems resurfaced. The husband was just about to walk once more...

Dear Failure

Yael writes a candid letter to “Failure”, explaining that it’s high time to part company; this letter speaks for all of us…

Follow the Dots

A good project before Pesach is to go through each period of our lives: childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, connecting positive memories like dots…

Strange Work

People translate avoda zara as idolatry; but literally, it means ‘strange work’; everyone knows that idolatry is a joke, but have our careers replaced the idols?