Purity and Abundance

The union between husband and wife is far beyond the physical realm, as it contains the Divine attribute of a life-creating power.

Hashem Listens

Hashem hears the voice of everyone who calls out to Him. This is an intrinsic part of creation, for Hashem created the world to reveal his compassion.

Justice, Truth, and Peace

What would end all quarrels and war, whether between people or nations? What is the single thing that the world, society, Am Yisrael, and the individual need to hold on to regardless of the cost? Rabbi Arush’s answer will surprise you... 

A Protective Shield

As the war in Israel continues, the dangers seem to increase on all sides. Jews outside of Israel are facing unprecedented antisemitism. How can tiny Israel and all Jews possibly protect themselves? Rabbi Arush gives a proven, effective method. A MUST READ! 

From Redemption to Prayer

The great power of the Jewish people is their ironclad emuna that cannot be influenced by any sorrow or suffering. The best gauge of a one’s emuna is his prayer. With strong emuna, one's prayer can bring miracles.

What You Must Know

Every person feels to some degree that he has reached a state that is beyond forgiveness. Read Rabbi Arush’s encouraging message that Hashem wants His children to know how much He loves them and how much He is ALWAYS willing to forgive them. 

Arriving At One’s Rightful Place in Peace 

In our generation, despite many Torah classes, there is still a leadership crisis. War brings this difficulty into focus even more. We must pray intensely that Hashem will reveal the true tzaddikim, wisdom, and daat that can help the entire Jewish People! 

To See Our Brothers and Sisters

The Jewish people around the world are suffering deeply, either from the tragedies of the massacre and ensuing war, or from rising antisemitism. Who can remain indifferent – but what can we do? Rabbi Arush gives two ways to help our brothers.

Geula: Lesson #1

Sometimes, our internal wars with each other make the Geula seem more remote than ever! What's the point of praying for Redemption when we hate each other? Rabbi Arush shows why we absolutely must believe that Hashem will redeem us if we cry out.

Together We Will Win

Rabbi Arush brings a powerful message of hope! “Together we will win” is always true, every day in our lives. Only with this togetherness can we end the darkness, emerge from exile, and merit the complete redemption in a merciful way.

Why is There Antisemitism?

Why do they hate Jews? Why does “equality and justice for all” and women’s rights and more apply to everyone – except Jews?

You Will Consume All Nations

Want to build strong merits for your fellow Jews but long fasts and rolling in the snow isn't practical? Rabbi Arush gives a surprisingly simple (and pleasant) way to help our brethren.