The Serpent

“I awoke as I felt my hand touch something thick and scaly. I was still half asleep, but it felt like a snake! A snake in my bed? Under my pillow? Surely I was dreaming…”

The Holy Celibate

Some young men think that they’re holy with all types of fasting and asceticism. But, if they haven’t yet married, they haven’t even started to serve Hashem…

Maybe Baby

All her girlfriends were having more children. Every Brit and Kiddush was another grain of salt on her already stinging emotional wounds. Then she said thank you...

A Guide to Purim

Here is a practical day-to-day guide for celebrating the three days of Purim (Fast of Esther, Purim, and Shushan Purim).

Bears and Tyrants

A bear that wants to rob the beehive and lick the honey at all costs – gets stung badly, right on the nose where it hurts him the most. But tyrants and bears never learn.

Fertility under Fire

A young childless wife’s normal monthly disappointment of not yet being a mother is now more complicated by the fright of Gaza rocket threats. Her husband seeks urgent advice…

The Double Odyssey

Our neighbors in the American Jewish community we lived in didn't understand. There is no place on earth to learn and live emuna like in Eretz Yisrael!

First Obligation

It is absolutely out of the question for a husband to make his wife responsible for supporting the family. It is his responsibility, not hers…

Luthier – Robbie Zev Ludwick

The Levites in the Holy Temple will need a righteous luthier to build and maintain precision string instruments for them. Robbie Zev Ludwick is definitely their man…

A Vessel for Divine Blessing

Everyone regarded the husband as a model of virtue, but in private, he was a beast. He constantly degraded his wife. Little did he know what that cost him…

Better than Bailout

The crumbling of the American economy is the first snowball that is quickly becoming the global economic avalanche. Is there a way to beat the rap of recession? Certainly…

Borrowing and Bickering

A person who lives within his means doesn’t tremble every time the phone or the front doorbell rings. He doesn’t avoid people and sleeps like a baby at night.