The Chicken Lady

The Yetzer bombards Noahides and tells them that they’ll never succeed or never be accepted, neither by Jews or non-Jews. Why? Because they’re doing the right thing…

There’s No Such Thing as Bad

Recently, Rav Shalom Arush has been speaking almost exclusively about gratitude to Hashem. The reason is that nothing in the world mitigates stern judgments like gratitude…

Marital Bliss, Satan, and the Vampire

Here are some amazing, humorous, and poignant behind-the-scenes glimpses at some of the off-the-wall clients and situations that a divorce attorney has to deal with…

Who Needs Mashiach?

The spiritual pay-dirt is Fat City for those who remain faithful to Hashem and his Torah. If so, you ask, then who the heck needs Mashiach?

The Wheat Field

Politicians declare one thing, than yield to foreign pressure and turn completely around. In Israeli politics, what’s “treif” today is Glatt Kosher tomorrow.

In Forest Fields

Breslev Israel is delighted to introduce In Forest Fields, the English translation of B’Sde Yaar, Rabbi Arush’s amazing new book on hitbodedut – personal prayer.

Our Only Hope

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev teaches that the most beautiful manifestation of emuna is when all of mankind calls Hashem’s name; then, something wonderful happens…

The Megalomaniac

With emuna, we also don’t have to be afraid of tyrannical megalomaniacs, especially those who tell us where we can build in the Land of Israel or where we can’t.

Honey-scented Nectar

If a Torah education is like freshwater, then a Torah education combined with raising children in the Land of Israel is like a honey-scented nectar to the soul…

You Can too, my Brother!

When we first hear about guarding our eyes we think, "This is impossible! There's no way I can be this careful." Our sages succeeded, you can too, my brother…

News in the Mikvah

The world wants to take the Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria away from us, and uproot half a million Jews from their homes, G-d forbid! Can we afford the “luxury” of intramural hate?

The Three Weeks Again

The notorious Three Weeks are here again, starting this week. What's wrong with us? Why allow ourselves the luxury of hating those who don't look and think like we do…