The Highest Level of Speech

Gratitude is the highest level of using our speech. Rav Shalom Arush teaches that giving gratitude to Hashem is the deepest way we can serve Hashem here in this world...

Inflated and Deflated

Many adults are trapped in a prisoner-like mindset and are unable to free their emotions enough to experience genuine happiness and inner peace…

Despair Meets Emuna

Emuna and Despair are those two little debating voices in your head. They are also known as yetzer tov and yetzer hara, the good inclination and the evil inclination...

Spiritual Anesthesia

In a constant state of spiritual anesthesia, a person is not aware of the needs of his soul nor the pain the soul experiences when those needs aren't met.

A Song is Born

Breslev Israel correspondent Tal Rotem caught Yosef Karduner and Lazer Brody together at a Bar Mitzva, and heard the amazing story about the birth of a song…

I’m Still Alive!

The accident was a time to take stock and reevaluate my path and goals. Hashem showed me in the realest way that He is in charge and I am at His mercy every second.


It may seem unfair that we must suffer from sicknesses and tribulations; but by handling trauma with emuna, the trauma stops being trauma...

Archaic or Romantic

The mitzvah of mivka uplifts and purifies the entire energy of your home and your family; the four walls begin to will feel like a safe haven…

The Emotional Terrorist

160,000 children/day don’t go to school because they are being bullied. Children and adults who are challenged mentally or physically are often targeted.

The Gift of Gratitude

Everything G-d is for our best. Sure, that’s easy to say. But what about the times when you feel like your world is crashing around you?

True Freedom

Who can imagine a life free from all negative emotions? Even if we really believed this were possible, how would we go about achieving this monumental task?

2010: Getting off the Fiery Fence

All events in our lives are Hashem’s ways of communicating to us. By ignoring Hashem’s messages via these stimuli, we become spiritually blind and deaf, G-d forbid…