Back in the War Zone

The south of Israel has become the emuna capital of the world. Without emuna, one would lose sanity trying to "get used" to the rockets from Gaza...

Longing to Get on a Jet Plane

Many people long to come to Israel, but don't believe that they'll be able to overcome the obstacles; if you're one of them, here is something you must know...

Spiritual Journeys

Rivka wouldn’t switch the spiritual gains she made for anything, but until recently, a part of her always wondered if she was still a bit missing her fake 'perfect' life...

Frida’s Story

How did Frida survive? Rav Shalom Arush said that there was actually a greater revelation of Hashem's Light in the Holocaust than there was during the time of the Holy Temple...

Winning the War

We must not only start praying - we must pray that all of Israel joins us. Then, Hashem will again hear our prayers and deliver us from our enemies...

Talk to the Soul

'Talking to the neshama' is one of the most sublime, profoundly 'real' experiences a person can have. And any one of us can do it, our children too...

Shimon HaTzaddik

Date of Passing: 29-Tishrei. Just a few minutes walk from the Chut Shel Chesed Yeshiva is the holy grave site of Shimon HaTzaddik…

Three Miles Down

Some people were born in the Ivory Tower of holiness. Others, like many of us, were born three miles down into spiritual darkness, with our own unique challenges...

The Way out of the Tunnel

So many people stifle themselves by trying to meet other people's expectations, but meanwhile, they're not doing what they want to do; that's darkness...

Spotting the Fakes

Change can be a tremendous force for spiritual progress, but the process of destroying the inner evil to build more inner good can be tremendously challenging...

Blue-Chip Investment

Bella lent her closest friends a large sum of money. They promised to return the sum within 90 days. Four years have transpired since; she asks Rabbi Arush what to do...

Free Milk

Couples that have lived together for 10+ years and still never officially got married. Is this what you want to be? The woman your boyfriend didn’t want to call his wife?