Internet Addicts

Let's be honest with ourselves: how much time to we spend daily surfing the web? Do we lose sleep? Do we find waking up and going to work the next day a chore?

Under the Emotional Carpet

Depression is a cue for us to go back, and deal with the problem at its spiritual root. Maybe we need to completely change our lives around...

The Levels of Love

It takes a long time for children to reach the level of love where they realize that parents are doing everything for their best. Are we on that level?

Every Second Counts

It took them two hours to upload the photos to Facebook; with time and life so very precious, how can we afford to waste both for a few inconsequential comments? Read how Rabbi Levy Yitzchak Bender utilized his time to the fullest while under extremely difficult conditions.

Star Wars Revisited

How can a person be righteous one day, then do a complete turnaround the next day, only to become the nation's leading villain? Look for the root blemish...

Nature’s Song of Thanks – Perek Shira

Who cares what frogs, rats or vegetables say when they speak to G-d? Does it really matter? Perek Shira - "Nature's Song" - is more than what meets the eye...

Wings of Eagles – Personal Prayer

A desert nomad received a pair of wings; he didn't like them though, because they were cumbersome. Instead of using them to fly, he carried them on his back...


Anxiety is fear of the future. What's going to be? It's like worrying on Chanuka whether you'll have enough money to matzas for the coming Passover...

Reversing Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem stems from being constantly criticized when we were younger, and made to feel that if we weren't perfect, no-one could love us or accept us...

Healthy Jewish Self Esteem

On the outside, many of us may seem super-confident, even abrasively so. But that's just a projection for the outside world. On the inside, we're so down on ourselves...


Sometimes, the obstacles that we encounter in life seem like 20-feet-high brick walls that are impossible to scale; Rebbe Nachman says they're an illusion...


The Bat Mitzva girl wanted every single unhealthy food for her party, the type of junk that his been banned from our household for years already...