The Purest Emuna

How many have lost faith in our Creator's unlimited power, mercy or His ability to turn things around to reveal that all that happened was for the best?

The Year of the Yarmulke

Dr. Zev Ballen reveals what he went through as a new Baal Teshuva, including the scorn he received from his colleagues for breaking from their professional smugness...

Emor: Jew or Jewish?

The Kohanim in the Holy Temple must be holy in order to deal with such high level holiness; yet, technical holiness alone doesn't make a person holy...

Mrs. Guttmann

Mrs. Guttmann was raised to believe that she was superior to everyone else, so when she didn't get more or better than anyone else, so seethed with rage at Hashem...

Shabbat HaGadol: Overcoming Fear

The main prerequisite for the redemption of our people from slavery in Egypt was to overcome their fear in performing Hashem's commandment...

Metzora: A Hole in the Wall

Oh, my goodness! A hole in the wall! A busted pipe?! A flooded basement!?! This could be the very best news of your life - wait and see...

A New Pair of Shoes

Not everything in downtown Manhattan is glitter and opulence; there in the bitter cold of sub-freezing temperatures, sat a shivering beggar with no shoes on his feet...


Like many abused children, Izzy dealt with the horror of her life by hiding behind a "mask" - she needed to make believe that nothing bad had happened to her...

Focusing on Me

Many things are done in the name of "Breslev", but they're frequently far away or even total opposites of Rebbe Nachman's true teachings. Be careful...

A Fresh Start

The evil inclination tries to bury a person in thoughts of the past. Whenever we declare a fresh start, we spring right back on our feet with renewed vigor...


Asher, from a young age, fell into an abyss of pornography that not only threatened to devastate his life, but also the lives of everyone close to him...

A Parent Confesses

4 min

Parents continue to yell at their children, breaking them down in the most heartless way. One parent took a good look at herself, and now confesses...