A Taste of Mashiach

This week is Thanksgiving in the USA; even though we don't eat turkey every day, in Judaism, every single day is Thanksgiving and a taste of the World to Come...

To Perform and Fulfill

Emuna coaches are adept at custom tailoring the Torah’s wisdom and advice to specific challenges that individuals, couples and families face, using an action-oriented approach...

Vayera: Don’t Fear the Scoffers

Why only now, after Abraham agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar, is it apparent that he fears Hashem? Hasn't he proved that already?

The Robot Jew

Although the driver wasn't wearing a kippa, he was really pleasing the passengers by playing a classic medley of Shabbat songs, until some guy with a long beard yelled at him...

From the Mafia to Uman

A huge mountain of a man stood directly in front of Rav Shalom Arush; the man had a scary look on his face and his entire body was covered with thick terrible looking scars...

The Success Route

It takes effort to change into a person who actualizes to the maximum. Anything that involves personal or spiritual growth won't come the easy way...

It’s Something I Should

How do we rise to the challenge of being Jews in a world that is daily becoming more terror-dominated and anti-Semitic? Do we eat more bagels and lox?

Hoax of the Century

Do doctors really know how to detect a chemical imbalance in the brain? What is "normal" brain chemistry? Is there an analytical method of prescribing SSRIs?

On Being Yourself

Although there is a big necessity within Judaism for brotherhood and unity, a person isn’t meant to throw away his individuality to be part of a group. One must find one's own path in serving Hashem. 

Ekev: Live It to Give It

When the son sees that the Bava Kama is much more important to Daddy than the newspapers, he'll want to learn Bava Kama too...

The ADHD Wife

Lately, his wife has been acting weird; she's been dressing more provocatively and going out with her girlfriends more often, even to bars at night. What should he do?

Superstars Too

A superstar basketball player won’t succeed unless he goes over the same drills day in and day out; we are no different, and we can be superstars too...