The Power of One

Each of us must think, speak, act and pray as if the future of Israel, our people and the whole world depends on us. That's because it really does…

White and Bright – Hitbodedut for Parents

Why is a white shirt a metaphor for the soul? Day to day we go through so much emotional wear and tear that our souls really need to go to the cleaners…

Which Baruch?

The Gabbai of the synagogue almost fainted when they told him that he called the wrong Baruch up to the Torah, when the aliyas were selling for top dollar...

Over the Big Hurdle

The evil inclination says, "You'll never succeed!" Those who become discouraged don't even try – that's the big tragedy. Don't lose heart - take the first step...

Tzav: The Right Size

In Kabbalistic jargon, one's thoughts, speech and deeds are garments of the soul. Hashem makes sure that the garments are always a perfect fit...

The Love Triangle

Why do we keep refusing to love Hashem, or at least to acknowledge that He loves us? Why do we keep resisting all of His attempts to bring us closer to Him?

Vayikra: No Fear, Just Truth

Although Bava Ben Bota was a student of Shammai, he shunned “partisan interests” and admitted that the halacha was according to Hillel's opinion...

The Physics of Happiness

Instead of trying to “push” ourselves into being happy, we have to establish goals, visions, dreams and beliefs that will pull us and engage us...

She’s Number One!

It was the evening of their anniversary; he was buried with work and the last thing he wanted was to go sit in some café or restaurant; what a surprise his wife gave him when...

Count Your Blessings

Personal prayer is the key to creating a solid relationship with Hashem; the skeptics think that "speaking to the air" is weird and for people who need therapy…

Pierce the Heavens

The Jewish People are facing unprecedented challenges, with no logical solutions on the horizon. Do we throw up our hands in despair? No way! There's the turbo-six...

Eden’s Garden

Eden is a very talented and extremely special young lady of eleven who not only listens to emuna CDs but speaks to Hashem every day in sincere personal prayer...