The Shabbat Table Trial

When we thank Hashem during our painful moments, He resolves them in miraculous ways. Who would believe that a Friday-night meal is Judgment time?

The Shattered Mirror

If a person looks at himself in a shattered mirror, he'll see a distorted image of himself. He'll think that it's the other people who need to correct themselves, but he's OK...

Blasting Out of a Rut

By making an investment in instilling hope, encouragement and Torah adherence amongst our brothers, one is fulfilling Hashem’s greatest desire in the world...

Hashem is the Healer

In our efforts to maintain our health or to attain healing of illness, we need to internalize that our health is completely in Hashem’s hands. How can we do this?

The Wait of My Life

Wes did poorly in college so he join the Navy. Having passed the physical and entrance exams, he dreamed of being on a ship, but Hashem had different plans...

Frum and Foreboding

Some husbands think that they are up in the sky learning Torah with the angels, when in fact, their spiritual level is no higher than their level of marital bliss...


Actually, the finite body is a mere metaphor of the infinite soul. In that case, could there be such an entity as a spiritual immune system that guards the health of the soul?

Korach: The Power Struggle

There's no one in all of Jewish history who ever became closer to Hashem because someone threw a rock at him; the paths to Torah are peaceful...

Healing and Emuna

From waiting for medications, to waiting for a doctor’s visit, life in the hospital is a test of emuna; thanks to the "Garden of Healing", I was able to pass it...

Personal Prayer – the Second Hurdle

We all need a big helping hand from Hashem; we can't possibly defeat the evil inclination and overcome years of dysfunctional thinking and deeply engrained habits on our own...

It Hurts, But Thanks!

Have you ever tried thanking Hashem for whatever it is that is causing you grief? Even though it hurts, it's a loving Father that's causing the pain for our own benefit...

The Lion and the Fox

Once the lion's lust for flesh got the best of him, he lost the power of judgment that made him king of the animals; only then, could the fox outsmart him...