
The evil inclination is very clever and devious; it can make us rationalize that we aren’t expected to transcend all our ordeals because we are “only human…”

Imitation Emuna

Just look around. Nearly everything’s fake: fake muscles from steroids, fake smiles, fake niceties, fake friends, fake relationships, fake money...

Too Blessed to be Depressed

Our Sages codified our daily blessings and liturgy to heighten our appreciation for the blessings in life and to educate us to say "Thank You" to Hashem...

Saving A Life

This moment, picture in your mind that one person you know who has no friends or anything going for him. Take it upon yourself to make sure that person has a friend...

Thanks, Abba!

When I struggled on the home front with teens, piles of laundry, bills, and tons of garbage in the kitchen, you taught me a priceless lesson...

Landing the Dream Girl

If you truly want to find your soul mate and it’s been a rough ride, you need to seek Hashem. No matchmaker in the world knows you like the Creator does...

Emuna Moments

Emuna moments are the stories in my life where circumstance played out with such exacting precision and benefit that I was forced to conclude Hashem does indeed run the world…

Burn Your Boats

What separates those who make it and those who don’t are the ones with total dedication, who let go of excess comforts, excuses and work hard to better themselves...

Regretting Aliya…Now What?

It’s Hashem’s Divine guidance that compels us to do things that don’t make any logical sense and scratch our heads in confusion afterward...

Ending Baseless Hatred

The most basic component of hatred is judgment. We erroneously decide that the one we are judging should be abhorred or, at least, sneered at…

Better Prayer, Step By Step

Have you ever reached the end of your prayers only to realize that you’ve been thinking about the news or your ever-growing To Do list the whole time? Have you ever gotten that sinking feeling that you’ve lost all or most of the prayers due to an abundant amount of distractions? You’re not alone...

The Mailman

The gabbai tapped me on the shoulder and called me up to the Torah; that was strange, because I didn't buy an Aliya – they were auctioned off at prices way past my budget...