Zot Chanukah Message
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Rabbi Arush's message for Zot Chanukah and going forward in the year. The Jews' war with Greek thinking is our current battle, and it will continue until Mashiach comes. This is a spiritual war with great spiritual danger that few recognize. Hear Rabbi Arush's advice how to win this war...
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Rabbi Arush brings out an important point for today. @04:10 – The Greeks said, “We respect you. We want to give you money. We want to give you important jobs. Just change your path, change your ways. Learn our Greek wisdom and forsake your Jewish ways.”
Israel is getting the same message from American Evangelical groups – “We love Jews! We want to help Jews in the Holy Land. We will support Congress for military and humanitarian aid. Just change your Yiddishkeit. Let us do our missionary activity in Eretz Yisrael.”
Just as in the days of Chanukah, many Jews are taking on Christian beliefs. Just as Rabbi Arush said – we are facing great spiritual danger that few recognize as such.