Articles on "shavuot (mattan Torah)"

The Gateway

We all want our prayers to be accepted by Hashem. We want to be counted among those who fear and love Him. We want to develop good middot, holiness, and purity. One prerequisite will bring all of these... 

For Gifts You Have to Work

It's not enough to continually ask, “When will Mashiach come”. Working on one’s emuna and and spreading it with family and friends  – that is  looking forward to the geula, and that is what brings Mashiach!

Remember What’s Important

In the final days before Shavuot, let's internalize the unique purpose of a Jew's life. When we accepted Torah on Mount Sinai and became Hashem's people, we were set aside from the other nations.

Preparation for Sinai 

Oh no, we have less than a week until Shavuot! I need to get my grocery list ready for major shopping. What kind of dairy course should I serve? I absolutely must find a new outfit... WAIT!! Rabbi Arush explains that the REAL preparation is in the heart. Also read about Rabbi Palagi's segula for Erev Shavuot.

Our Best Weapon

What is our strongest weapon against those who want to destroy us? The spiritual energy of the Torah that we accepted at Har Sinai!

King David

Rabbanit Arush gives us a moving tour of the burial site of King David. It's customary on Shavuot night and the next day to come here to pray and beg for mercy.

Best Cheesecake Ever!

Customize your cheesecake with confidence. Here's an all-purpose, out-of-this-world cheesecake with some options for flavor, crust, filling, and topping.