Articles on "baseless love (ahavat chinam)"

Helping From a Distance

Many people who live outside of Israel have come to volunteer time and expertise during the war. Volunteering made them participants rather than spectators. What can those who cannot make the trip do to help?

We Must Unite!

Rabbanim tell us that they are seeing a wave of teshuvah never seen before. What is the surest sign that our teshuvah is sincere? When there is unity amongst ourselves! 

Together We Will Win

Rabbi Arush brings a powerful message of hope! “Together we will win” is always true, every day in our lives. Only with this togetherness can we end the darkness, emerge from exile, and merit the complete redemption in a merciful way.

The Call for a Ceasefire

How great is the power of achdut (unity)! If we make a "ceasefire" by stopping the fire of divisiveness and hatred among us and we strengthen our achdut, we will surely merit Hashem's protection and usher in the final redemption.

A Year of Hope and Optimism

In our current troubles, it seems that baseless hatred is becoming more widespread and toxic. Although it’s easy to be pessimistic about the upcoming year, there are powerful reasons to believe that redemption is imminent. 

Lessons from Lahaina 

Breslev Israel joins the rest of the world in mourning the loss of life and the destruction from the tragic wildfire that leveled the tourist town of Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii. Emuna says we have to look for meaning and messages from God in everything that happens, and certainly a disaster of this scale... 

The Full Life of a Wheat Field

If we judge a wheat field by the way it looked at a single point in time, we might make the tragic error of judging it to be worthless. Same goes with judging people (including ourselves). Never underestimate the ability to repent!

Part of a Whole

Every Jew is a tiny part of a united spiritual being called Israel. This explains why we often meet people that we feel we have known forever after one minute of small talk...

Revitalizing Our Prayers

Our main work during Sefirat Ha’Omer in preparation for receiving the Torah is to improve interpersonal relationships. It's important to set aside time for prayer for Am Yisrael and to do acts of kindness. How can we energize ourselves to do that when we already have a packed daily schedule?

Keep Your Eyes Focused

What a stunning blow! And it came from out of nowhere! It didn't matter what happened. What mattered was how I refused to stop hating my brothers and sisters.