Against the Wind

A Novel – A Shadchan’s Story

Shadchanus. One of the hardest professions, but also one of the most rewarding.

What used to be a time-honored, sacred task has slowly transformed into a game of truth or dare, and Perla Greenwald, an old-school shadchan, is trapped between the winds of change. Rather than stand up to them, she bends like a reed and sacrifices her self-respect.

Until she is called to step up to the plate. Discovering a piece of information in her own daughter’s shidduch that had not been brought to light ignites a storm of indignation that threatens to engulf her entire family.

Join Perla, her devoted husband Yoelish, and Rafi the Driver as they struggle to untangle a devastating web of  anguish and intrigue.

Against the Wind is the latest novel from the author of Bringing Mordy Home, Victory GardenField of Dreams, and many other popular titles.
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SKU: 56-3011
description of book A Novel – A Shadchan’s Story Shadchanus. One of the hardest professions, but also one of the most rewarding. What used to be a time-honored, sacred task has slowly transformed into a game of truth or dare, and Perla Greenwald, an old-school shadchan, is trapped between the winds of change. Rather than stand up to them, she bends like a reed and sacrifices her self-respect. Until she is called to step up to the plate. Discovering a piece of information in her own daughter’s shidduch that had not been brought to light ignites a storm of indignation that threatens to engulf her entire family. Join Perla, her devoted husband Yoelish, and Rafi the Driver as they struggle to untangle a devastating web of  anguish and intrigue. Against the Wind is the latest novel from the author of Bringing Mordy Home, Victory Garden, Field of Dreams, and many other popular titles.

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  • Number of pages: 249
  • Cover type: Hardcover
  • editor: Miriam Luxenberg
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