Un-Hollywood Glamor

Are we going to turn into sixty-year-old Barbie dolls with plastic faces and silicone chests? How ridiculous we look when the rest of our bodies are sagging…

A Handicap, So What?

Mickey Mantle had severe osteomyelitis. Would anyone say that he didn’t deserve to live? What about Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles? They were all blind!

Finding Spirituality in Judaism

Don’t be satisfied with not knowing. You are a spiritual being in your essence, and you deserve to know more about your soul and your true purpose in life…

A Woman’s Prayer

A woman can accomplish anything through her prayers. They are one of the most powerful ways to ensure that her family has a life of peace and blessings...

Emuna News

Hashem is infinitely merciful, but He doesn't just erase wrongdoing and quickly forget about it unless a person makes teshuva. Teshuva has the power to correct wrongdoing…

The True Doctor of the Soul

Psychotherapist Zev Ballen wondered why the methods he was taught were so ineffective; then, he read “Path of the Just” and began pursuing Breslever teachings…

More than Joy

A person can influence him or herself by his or her own actions. If we force ourselves to smile, the first time or two will be mechanical, but the third smile will be for real.

Home Work 101

We live in a ‘me’ generation, where our own personal comfort and self-gratification often clouds our judgment and wrecks marital peace; we forget our true goals on this earth.

Tuning Out

I knew deep in my heart that living without all the junk on TV would be the best thing in the world for our family, but as with all bad habits, I couldn’t give it up…

The Love Barometer

What people in today’s world refer to as “love” is basically nothing more than animal urges and Hollywood-style flash-in-the-pan infatuation that is ever so short-lived…

A 12-Step Plan for Relieving Arthritis

Arthritis sufferers - with Hashem's everloving grace, here's great news: You can beat the rap of arthritis without doctors, without pills, and with virtually no added expense…

To Dwell in the Land

Like a little toddler who trusts his Daddy to throw him into the air and catch him, we must trust Hashem. Regardless of our situation, He won’t let us down…