Like A Watermelon

Hashem wants more than intellectual Torah scholarship; he wants us to believe in what we learn even though we are living in a generation of concealment…

The High-Elevated Nose

When a person’s nose is high in the air, he or she can’t see what’s going on down on the ground. Their true soul-mate could be passing them by…

Off the Couch

Sometimes people spend years “on the couch,” without solving the root of their emotional distress; unsolved problems only spring up somewhere else...

Past, Present, and Facebook

Rebbe Nachman gives us the green flag to be upbeat about ourselves no matter our past. We can be happy and do teshuva with a smile, not with self-flagellation…

Deed to the Promised Land

The danger of our lack of faith in ourselves and in our beloved homeland is terrible, and just as bad as the threat from our enemies on the other side of our borders...

From Emotion to Action

With emuna, emotion itself becomes action. Thoughts become deeds. We utilize these feelings to become better people and bring much needed Divine light to the world.

Hide and Seek

Just as the rumbling of thunder precedes a big storm, the tumult of current events is preceding the biggest event of history: the full redemption of our people...

The Hard Questions

She tried to find the ‘hole’ in the Breslev teachings and hashkafa; the situation where it just didn’t work; the argument that really didn’t stand up...

The Missing Piece

When building a puzzle we should bear in mind that it can be reshuffled and reconnected anytime we choose to ensure we get it right…

Joe Cool

Joe had a way with women. We all thought he was really cool. Little did we know that what was cool in our eyes was definitely not cool in the eyes of Hashem.

Sexual Promiscuity and Suicide

The correlation between sexual promiscuity, depression and suicide is very clear. Multitudes of people are attempting to fill what they lack in themselves with sex…

Yitzie’s Story

Yitzie, born into a Chassidic family, had gone completely “off the derech”. His marriage was in shambles and he’d fallen into really bad head-space, until Uman...