The Emuna Platoon

Rabbi Brody of Breslev Israel spends the day on the front lines with a platoon of Israel’s finest combat-ready troops; an amazing story of rifle grease and emuna…

Va’etchanan: Commanded Love

Two newlyweds are on their honeymoon; romance is in the air. The husband turns to his new bride and in a stern tone of voice says, “My dear, I command you to love me…”

Jerusalem Forever

Why are we once more faced with the threat of losing parts of Jerusalem, Heaven forbid? Each Jew has a share in Jerusalem, the heart and focal point of our people…

Righteous Warriors

Imagine how much courage it required for the head military chaplain of a major US Army base to request that the cross be removed from his uniform…

Picking a Spiritual Guide

A person without a spiritual guide is trying to run his own show - he cannot see the land-mine wires around him. He is like one who is helplessly lost in a maze…

Self-made Jews

Everyone respects the self-made man who succeeded by virtue of his own efforts; what about the “self-made Jew,” who travelled a rocky uphill road in spirituality...

Radiated Pain

We all have our ills, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or interpersonal. Many think that relief of our localized problem will end our ills. Wrong…

2012: Speculation or Illumination?

The wars and furious natural disasters worldwide coupled with global financial crises and skewed weather are the Gemara’s own signs that Moshiach will soon be here…

Noise in the News

Palestinian unity? With one snap of Divine fingers, the Fatah and the Hamas could be at each other’s throat again, and the whole house of dominos just tumbles down…

Mr. Brinks

The young rabbinical student had some strange virus that attacked his liver and virtually destroyed it. He needed a liver transplant that would cost $330,000…

Shlach Lecha: The Land of Emuna

What's the spiritual root beneath Israel's arm is being twisted by so-called friends to vacate, G-d forbid, vast tracts of our tiny hallowed homeland?

The Wine or Vinegar Option

It didn’t matter whether Rav Huna was dealing in wine or in vinegar. The fact that he lived his life while strongly connected to Hashem determined his success...