Flipping the Switch

One only needs to try personal prayer just once, open-mindedly and with sincerity, to feel a tiny spark of Divine inspiration. Hashem really does answer…

A Dead End

Perpetual dating leads nowhere. You’re caught up in a cycle of meet/infatuation/I think I’m in love/move in together/reality hits/break up. Then start all over again…

Can You Judge a Horse?

An important part of our belief in the true tzaddikim is our faith in Daat Torah – the Torah-based opinions and decisions of this generation’s leading rabbinical scholars…

The Wild Steed

Two years ago, I was managing a fast-food restaurant, completely non-observant, and referring to myself as “agnostic.” That was because of the wild steed…

A Visit to The Baal Shem Tov

The quiet tzaddik simply stood in the corner, pouring his heart out. I had been frozen, with no spiritual arousal at all, until I prayed in the same room with him...

Beginning Again

On the verge of suicide, Gila musters up some latent emotional strength and decides to fight back with the one cogent weapon at her disposal…

One Day at a Time

The world is changing constantly. Who knows what tomorrow will bring so why worry? Trust in G-d, take one day at a time and smile…

Cognitive Dissonance

Doubt and confusion are more mentally toxic than anything. When people doubt or forget about Hashem they risk developing a psychiatric or psychological disorder…

Eternally Employed

When we’re happy in marriage, we never get fired. We aren’t allowed to quit. We have the opportunities to reap the rewards of the most intense love and happiness here on earth…

Emuna and Unity

Something takes place naturally during a disaster – people become attached to each other. They feel, at least temporarily, an indescribable sense of brotherhood…

Missiles and Miracles

Here's an on-the-spot report of the missile attacks on the South of Israel from Gaza (2011) and the many miracles that his besieged hometown Ashdod has seen…

Uman and the Korach Syndrome

The young man who asked his Rosh Yeshiva for permission to make the pilgrimage to Uman for Rosh Hashana was threatened with immediate expulsion…